Center Policies

Hours and Cancellation

Children’s Discovery is open from 6:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Monday through Friday throughout the year, with the exception of the following six holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. We will close at 3:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve Day.  FULL TUITION IS CHARGED FOR THE ABOVE HOLIDAYS. When the holiday falls on a weekend, we will observe the closest weekday.

Closures Due to Adverse Weather, Illness, or Emergency:

Children’s Discovery Academy is committed to being open.  In the event of extreme adverse weather that threatens the safety of our children and staff, a decision to close or remain open will be made based on current information from the National Weather Service and local news outlets.

In the event of a closure due to illness, Children’s Discovery Academy will make any closure decision based on current public health guidance recommendations from the Minnesota Department of Health.

All other emergency circumstances resulting in decision to close will be based on the health and safety of children, in accordance with our license.

In the event of a center closure or late start, information will be communicated to families via email as early as possible.  If the center must close while children are present, families will also receive a phone call with closure information- in this case, parents will need to make arrangements to pick up children within one hour.  Under the circumstances we are forced to close for the health and safety of our children and staff, FULL TUITION WILL BE CHARGED FOR THESE DAYS.  If we do not have enough teachers to open the center or classroom, tuition will not be charged during the closure.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Your child will be welcomed into our program and given equal treatment without regard to race, sex, color, religion, or any other legally protected classification.


It is essential to send along a complete change of clothing to be left at Children’s Discovery. Children’s clothes are very much alike in looks and size. Clothes NEED TO BE CLEARLY MARKED WITH THE CHILD’S FULL NAME.


A Program Plan has been written to insure all of these areas are being developed in each child.  This Program Plan is on file and is open to parents’ viewing at any time.  Programs are designed to enhance the child’s self-identification and group social involvement.

In order to share these commitments with you, a monthly planned schedule from your child’s teacher is available.

Parents are requested to read classroom and center emails to be aware of important information.  Additionally, each family will receive information on how to sign up for electronic daily information, specific to their child.  Teachers may also be reached by phone, email, and by messaging through Daily Connect.

Conferences are scheduled twice during the year to better acquaint the parents with our programs through personal discussion with the teachers.  Progress reports are written on each child at these times, and conferences can be arranged at any time on a particular concern that may arise.  Together we can better assure a more positive and satisfying environment so important to your child.

As a parent, you are welcome to visit Children’s Discovery any time during the hours of operation.  We encourage parents to use their discretion in choosing times that won’t disrupt your child’s day.


Our staff is dedicated to search out the positive aspects of all the children.  If a problem develops in a particular situation, we will continue to search out alternate methods to bring the child back to appropriate behavior.  Personal relations that develop between teacher and child will normally lead to positive actions.  If the child’s behavior remains disruptive, the child may be removed from the class activity for a brief period.  If our staff cannot resolve the situation along with the help of the parents and outside resources, we will recommend that you find alternate care for your child.  The child is never physically or mentally abused by any member of our staff within Children’s Discovery Academy.  The full text of our discipline policy is available to families upon enrollment, or at request.

Field Trips

Fully supervised trips are planned to places of interest for children.  Children’s Discovery Academy will provide the same adequate, responsible supervision for these excursions as is provided to the children while in attendance at the Academy.  Bus service will be arranged through a qualified company.  You are responsible to sign a field trip permission slip.  If you do not choose to have your child attend a particular field trip, you must find alternate care and no childcare fee reduction will be given.


Children’s Discovery Academy meets or exceeds the insurance policy requirements by government agencies.

Nutrition and Rest Time

Children’s Discovery Academy employs a full-time cook whom will provide your child with the nutritional needs required for that part of the day in attendance.  These needs include snacks in the morning and afternoon, as well as a balanced lunch.  Breakfast can be provided at an additional cost.  Breakfast is required of children attending nine or more hours.  Our breakfasts are prepared for a predetermined number of children.  Because of this reason, if your child is signed up for breakfast, there will be NO CREDITS given for breakfasts.  This applies to days your child is NOT in attendance.

For children too young to eat table foods, parents should bring a daily supply of unopened formula or prepared bottles and baby foods.  In this way, we can ensure each individual child will be eating a daily diet which is set for his/her specific needs. Due to safety concerns, glass bottles and containers are not allowed in the infant classroom.

Any food brought to be shared with other children at the center must be store bought and in their original unopened containers.  NO HOMEMADE FOOD IS ALLOWED TO BE SERVED TO CHILDREN AT THE CENTER. Please check with your child’s teacher regarding any allergies.

Each afternoon there will be a quiet time offered so children may rest quietly on their cots or engage in quiet activities.

Potty Training

Children enrolled in preschool or Pre-K must be toilet trained before attending preschool or Pre-K. Children must be wearing underwear. A child having accidents daily would not be considered toilet trained. Please note that wearing pull-ups is NOT considered toilet trained.  You can read our full toilet training policy here.

Parent’s Grievance Policy

Children’s Discovery Academy has a written grievance policy on file in the office for parents use whenever they deem necessary.


Children’s Discovery Academy will occasionally have small household pets in our classrooms.  Pets must be approved by the Center Director.

Research and Public Relations

Children’s Discovery Academy will obtain written permission from each parent before their child is involved in experimental RESEARCH or public relations activities while at Children’s Discovery Academy.

Privacy Notice

Children’s Discovery Academy’s full Privacy Notice can be found HERE.


Parents must provide transportation to and from Children’s Discovery Academy.  Your child must be signed IN and OUT each day in order for our facility to accept legal responsibility.  Parents are also responsible for bringing the child’s belongings to the appropriate classroom.  Parents must fill out appropriate forms stating who has permission to pick up their child/children.  In the event someone other than the parent must pick up your child, please notify the office.  These people must be able to show an I.D. to prove they are whom they say.

Child Pick-up

Unless notified, a child will only be released to leave Children’s Discovery Academy with a custodial parent or guardian.  If you would like someone else to pick up your child, please call us or write a note authorizing us to release your child from Children’s Discovery Academy with the designated person.  Any person picking up a child that we have not met before is required to present their photo ID before we will release the child to them.

Child Pick-up by Unauthorized Person

If an unauthorized person attempts to pick up a child in our care, the child will not be released to their care and the appropriate parent or guardian will be contacted.

Child Pick-up by Incapacitated/Impaired Person

If an incapacitated/impaired person attempts to pick up a child, we will call another person to pick up the child.  If the incapacitated/impaired person refuses to leave the child at Children’s Discovery Academy, we will call the sheriff’s office.