Welcome to the Toddler Program

Our Classroom

Online Daily Sheets:
We’ll electronically track daily information about your child’s feedings, diapering, sleeping, moods, activities, photos, and more! This information is accessible from your computer or through a Smartphone or iPad application. You’ll have peace of mind while you watch what your child is doing while in our care.

Age Range:
Toddlers that are 16 months of age to 36 months.
Small Student/Teacher Ratio: 7:1

Our Teachers

Experienced: Colleen has been with us since 2007, Roxy has been with us since 2013, Lauren B. has been with us since 2011 and Brianna has been with us since 2017. Our experienced teachers truly enjoy working with toddlers.

Loving: Our teachers sing songs, and do finger plays with the children and model motions and gestures toddlers can do with them while singing along or saying the words. The teachers facilitate imitation and pretend play with the toddlers by providing toys such as dolls, dishes, cars, trucks or blocks that can be used for pretend play. Teachers will talk about what your toddler is feeling whether your child is happy, excited, sad or upset. Teachers will comfort your toddler by talking with him/her about where you are going and when you will return. Parents are asked to bring in family photos to post in the classroom which are available for the children to see throughout the day.

Consistent: We know providing a limited number of consistent, qualified caregivers is a large part of building trust and security at our Center. We have regular staff with very little turn over that children and families can count on. Providing toddlers with an environment that encourages positive interaction in familiar surroundings as well as lots of positive encouragement & hugs also promotes trust and security at our Center. We make every effort to quickly answer each child’s cues, acknowledge anxiety, and offer loving support and reassurance to children in our care.

Our Curriculum

At Children’s Discovery Academy we celebrate the fact that we do not teach from a boxed curriculum but instead employ caring, qualified educators to write curriculum which meets all of the Early Childhood Indicators of Progress. This way, we can ensure we are meeting the individual needs of your child. The toddler daily schedule is structured, academically focused and fun!  Weekly lessons and activities focus on a curriculum rich in reading, math, science, art, music, sensory, dramatic play and imaginative play.

Language Development: A child’s vocabulary doubles at this time in their life. Toddlers spend a lot of time modeling teachers’ verbal communications. The teacher will help your child find the correct words when identifying items or when trying to communicate their feelings. They also model each other. Through the use of books, puppets, finger plays, and songs the children will hear and imitate many sounds and words. The teachers encourage the children to use words to communicate their needs and concerns. We also incorporate sign language into your toddler’s language development.

Reading: Books are a huge part of a toddler’s day. Reading stories and activities including flannel boards, finger plays, and puppets help to develop reading. The toddler is starting to learn many concept words. They are also beginning to follow two-step directions.

Math: Matching colors, recognizing colors, and beginning to identify colors are all part of an introduction to math. They will begin to match and recognize shapes, count from 1-10, compare items that are the same and different, and sequence items. Simple puzzles, peg boards, patterns, sorting toys, and blocks will all be introduced to help reinforce these early math concepts.

Social Development: The young toddler is becoming a very social being. Recognizing friends, giving hugs, smiling, and laughing are all strong indicators of this fact. They enjoy playing alongside other children in a variety of settings. They are beginning to learn how to play beside others while respecting their materials. We provide more than one of many toys and materials so toddlers can play next to and with other toddlers without always having to share or take turns. Transportation toys, dress-up clothes, and other dramatic play are all popular choices of toddlers. They are beginning to learn the need for manners such as sitting at the table, using a spoon, and keeping food on their plate. Encouraging the children to use their words to express feelings, the teachers will also assist in helping the children find the right words to use. Toddlers are starting to learn about outcomes of behavior choices they make. Toilet training and the skills required to do this independently are also introduced.

Emotional Development: While toddlers are starting to become a little more independent, they are still very dependent on adults. They need a continuity of relationships with loving adults who can appreciate their need for small doses of independence, and are there with open arms when they need a hug. They will come to value themselves if they have been valued. Toddlers are beginning to express emotions in words with a lot of coaching from the teachers. They begin to practice self-help skills. They want to do everything themselves. They will mimic behaviors seen and learned through observations. Teachers are there to be good role models and to provide loving support when toddlers are trying new things.

Small Muscle Development: Building blocks, sorting beads, coloring with large crayons, painting, play dough,  and simple art projects are a few examples of activities to strengthen small muscle development. Pouring and sifting through sand and water play using spoons, cups, and measuring cups are also enjoyed.  The toddler continues efforts to eat with a spoon and drink from an open cup.

Large Muscle Development: Walking is becoming steadier. Running is developing. Large muscle activities include riding toys, climbing, throwing balls, kicking balls, climbing steps, and tumbling, to name a few. Toddlers are perpetually in motion. The large muscle room and the playground provide a safe space for toddlers to practice these emerging skills.

Enrichment Programs: Fee-based lessons including music, dance, soccer, and gymnastics are available to toddlers.

Star of the Week: Your toddler will have a turn to become the classroom’s star of the week, encouraging positive self-esteem.  He/she will be encouraged to bring in items from home to share and introduce to the classroom.  This is a great way to give your son/daughter lots of positive praise.

Read Reviews from Toddler Parents:

We love CDA!

Like Part of the Family


Best Ever!

Love CDA!

So Great

Better Than The Rest!

Our daughter is thriving in the toddler room!

We love CDA


We love CDA!

First impression

My kid loves CDA!

CDA can’t be beat!