Pre-Kindergarten Schedule – Vadnais Heights
6:30-7:00 Quiet activities in the Preschool classroom.
7:15-8:00 Quiet activities in the Pre-Kindergarten classroom: children’s choice, iPads, art, manipulatives, coloring, puzzles, etc.
8:00-8:15 Classroom clean-up and bathroom breaks.
8:15-8:45 Handwashing and breakfast.
8:45-9:15 Large group: theme of the day, language activities, math, and letter of the week.
9:15-10:30 Small groups. Students are divided into three small groups giving them an opportunity for more individualized attention. Each child spends 20 minutes in each small group 1.) Creative group: art, games, or cooking project related to theme of the day. 2.) Discovery group: activities geared toward cognitive learning, beginners reading, handwriting, manipulatives, math, and letter of the week. 4.) Free choice play: dramatic play, blocks, science, library, listening center, iPads, sensory table, or free art.
10:30-10:45 Classroom clean-up and handwashing.
10:45-11:00 Morning snack.
11:00-11:15 Large group: calendar, books, fingerplays, flannel boards, tape stories, or songs.
11:15–12:00 Large muscle development: outdoor playground or indoor gym.
12:00-12:35 Handwashing and lunch.
12:35-1:00 Sharing, bathroom break, and handwashing.
1:00-2:50 Rest/nap time.
1:00-1:30 Rest time.
1:30-2:00 Coloring or reading on cots.
2:00-2:45 Table top activities and iPads.
2:45-3:00 Classroom clean-up and bathroom breaks.
3:00-3:15 Handwashing and afternoon snack.
3:15-4:00 Large muscle development: outdoor playground. When weather does not allow outdoor time, we’ll go to the indoor gym from 3:00-3:30 and have snack at 3:30.
4:00-4:45 Activity groups: table top activities, art, sensory table, or games.
4:45-5:00 Rotating small groups: music, instruments, singing, or dance.
5:00-5:30 Table top activities in Pre-Kindergarten classroom
5:30-6:00 Activities in the Preschool classroom.
Note: Schedule allows time for transitions and schedule changes based on the children’s needs.