Preschool Daily Schedule – Vadnais Heights

6:30-7:00  Drop off & free choice with all students in the Preschool classroom.

7:00-8:15  Free choice

8:15-8:45  Breakfast

8:45-9:25  Child directed play stations with bathroom breaks.

9:25-9:30  Clean up play stations

9:30-9:45  Morning group: morning greeting and message, calendar, and star of the week sharing.

9:45-10:30  Large muscle development: outdoor playground or indoor gym.
10:30-10:40  Handwashing and morning snack set-up.

10:40-11:00  Morning snack

11:00-11:50  Small groups.  Four rotating groups, each twelve minutes long 1.) Cognitive group (theme, literacy, math, science, & social studies.  2.) Art group  3.) Fine motor/writing group  4.) Dramatic play or building group.

11:50-12:00  Circle time: songs, book of the week, sharing on Tuesdays.
12:00-12:30  Handwashing and lunch.

12:30-12:45  Bathroom breaks, audio story, resting on cots.

12:45-2:45  Nap time.

2:45-3:00  Bathroom breaks and table top activities.

3:00-3:30  All students awake from nap and continue table top activities.

3:30-3:45  Handwashing and afternoon snack.

3:45-4:00  Circle time with music and instruments.

4:00-4:45  Large muscle development: outdoor playground or indoor gym.

4:45-5:00  Art activities or games.

5:00-6:00  Free choice activities.

Note: Schedule allows time for transitions and schedule changes based on the children’s needs.