So grateful for CDA!

“We couldn’t be more pleased with CDA. My youngest is in the infant room and loves his teachers. They know his quirks, call him by sweet nicknames, and are eager to share/celebrate his successes. It’s really heartwarming to hear their remarks at the end of the day. Teacher Kristi does a wonderful job encouraging him to try new foods and learn new things (e.g., drinking from a cup). Sometimes he reaches his arms out when we walk past his classroom just because he wants to give teacher Tori a hug. My oldest is in the preschool room and is thriving. She loves her teachers and they clearly love her. Teacher Amberley is very talented and clearly puts a lot of effort and expertise into her curriculum. Teacher Celsy has a bunch of inside jokes with my daughter and is always quick with a hug or distraction when drop-off is hard. Both Emilys are also much loved. I can’t say enough about the teachers in the preschool room. They exceed all expectations! We couldn’t be more pleased with CDA.”

Katie from Shoreview
Mother of Madeline and Jack, Preschool and Infant