Merissa’s world in HD

“Merissa’s world is also in HD thanks to Children’s Discovery. As a parent you have concerns about what your kids are doing all day, while you are at work. My family has been with children’s discovery since Merissa’s sister Meranda was a toddler. So I know that they are well taking care off. I love the fact that as times have changed and the world is changing the daycare is taking steps by making sure they are up to date. I greatly appreciate that fact that I can log-in at any time and see what Merissa is doing and every now and then have a chase to see a cute picture. This is an added benefit as the daycare as done so well with both of my children already. We also very pleased that has Merissa has grown the curriculum has grown with her. She is happy to go to school every day and I think she misses it on the days off. So thank you children’s discovery for bringing Merissa’s world to me in HD.”

Jennifer from Saint Paul

Mother of Merissa, Toddler Program